Overview: Golden Copy is an Isilon integrated file to object copy tool with built in load balancer for Dell ECS and other S3 targets, removing the requirement for external load balancers. An archive/backup and recall platform simplifies moving files to object storage for long term retention or 3rd copies. Files are archived or backed up with full meta data protection using native Object property tags and native file format copies. Provides a complete solution to simplify file to object archive, sync workflows from file to object and object back to file. Scale Out Copy Performance with Small file and Large file optimizations.
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3 Product Options
Golden Copy Base - Archive feature set with copy and sync features
Golden Copy Advanced License - Backup Use case features, Integration with Ransomware Defender and Automation work flow API enhancements.
Golden Copy Pipeline - Workflow driven features
Media Mode - realtime data reduction during backups removes duplicate data caused by symlinks/hardlinks with full file system transparency preserving links from file to object and object back to file systems. Recreates symlinks/hardlinks and avoids disk space expansion.​
Dropbox Mode -
File to object and Object to File - moves data to the target storage and removes from the source. Cloud workflows for media & Entertainment, ML/AI​
Maintain high speed local storage with automated work flows from on premise to cloud and back.
Supported Object Target Devices
Dell ECS
AWS (Glazier and Deep Archive)
Snowball bulk loading​
Azure Blob​
Data Box bulk loading​
Full list of targets and features click here.
Target Use Case:​
Zero-trust Backup to the Cloud - Integration with Ransomware Defender
Sync Mode for continuous syncing, incremental always
Bulk data loading with AWS Snowball and Azure Data Box​
Copy Snapshots or any Isilon path to S3 Storage
Scheduled Incremental Change list Aware Sync mode
S3 version support to maintain multiple copies
Creating a master copy of a data set in S3 compatible storage
Key Features
File Metadata Protection - Embeds file metadata into the object properties for owner, group, acl, data stamps, mode bits
Smart Airgap API integration with Ransomware Defender
Unlimited Data copying without any limits or restrictions on quantity of data copied or recalled
An Isilon Integrated tool to sync a copy of a path(s) on Isilon to an S3 storage bucket
Uses Isilon snapshot change list to support fast incremental syncs
Scheduled or one time Sync of data
Always Incremental with Isilon native change list support
Supports Isilon snapshot compare
Multipart upload support
Supports copy rate limiting for WAN link saturation
Delayed Deletes to S3 copy or no deletes on source propagated to the target storage bucket
Direct Object to File Recall - Recall entire paths or partial paths from S3 to Isilon file systems with full meta data recall of ACL's, owner, group, mode bits and last modified stamps.

Zero-Trust Backup to the Cloud
Golden Copy Backup Edition offers ground breaking next generation Zero-trust backup. Integration with source data threat awareness with Smart AirGap API integration with Ransomware Defender enables Golden Copy to pause backup and sync operations if active threats are detected.